Rent yours sales success.
Fast. Uncomplicated. High-quality.
Your everyday life presents you with spontaneous challenges again and again. Our answer: BORCO HÖHNS rental.
Whether you want to test new approaches, remodel your store and need to outsource day-to-day business, or other unforeseeable circumstances make spontaneous rental necessary – we are waiting for you with a large selection of immediately available rental vehicles. Here, too, you can rely on one thing: quality and comprehensive advice.
Our rental is ideal for:
store conversions
Christmas markets
Events & Festivals
holiday business
Testing new markets
What are you looking for?
Length of the sales room
0mm — 10.000mm
Would you like a little more?
Our financing models open up new scope and are tailored to you.
Your contact
Are you looking for a sales vehicle to rent? We will be glad to call you.